Sunday, April 22

Beautiful Complicated Aether

The aether is billions of invisible gears turning around hexagonal cells. Everything is hazy in this universe. It smells like smoke, an invisible factory working everywhere. Their are 27 words for types of lung disease, all are terminal. The coffins are very long and thin. And mechanical. There are no funeral processions because each coffin has a tiny engine. They rumble down the street and drive straight into the graves. At night when the streets are mostly empty except some people waiting for the late-night bus into town, the coffins race down the main drag going way too fast. Sometimes a coffin gets way crazy out of control and maybe collides with a telephone pole. The coffin is cracked along the side and someone's dead leg is showing. The ambulance and paramedics arrive, but what can they do? The coffin is looking pretty bad. It's not even sputtering any more, it's just lying there, not moving, leaking radiator fluid. So they take it down to the cemetery and bury it.

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